The holly Monastery of Elias the Prophet became independent in the days of Monk Kallistos, in 1720, whilst until then it was a dependency (Metochi) of the Monastery of Rogon.

Everything that the Monastery offered to subjugated Christians of the region had been valuable during the Turkish occupation. And that explains why the conquerors made it suffer so much. It is reported that Muhtar Pasha, son of the tyrant of Epirus Ali, arrested without reason the monk Dionysios A΄, an honorable and decent man and tortured him. During the Greek Turkish regrettable war of 1897, the Monastery suffered great disasters, for the restoration of which the Priest Nikolaos from Rizovouni worked really hard.

The coup de grâce was given by the forces of occupation (1943-44) that fired its buildings, because it was a centre of national resistance of the region. But miraculously, the famous Katholikon with the great sculpted stoned iconostasis escaped from being destroyed.

In the days of Bishop of Nikopoli and Preveza Meletios, the Monastery was transferred to a new under construction building at the district of Nea Sinopi and close to the former municipal community of Flampoura. It was recruited with 23 monks, most of them serving the missionary and spiritual work of the Metropolis, under the leadership of archimandrite abbot Efraim Toumbeki.

The monastery of Elias the Prophet is being subject by the jurisdiction of the Holly Metropolis of Nikopoli and Preveza. Currently the Monastery does not have guesthouse.

The Monastery is closed on Mondays and Thursdays.

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